Obtain the perfect smile by just using homemade remedies and avoiding the expensive and inefficient commercial treatments.

You can easily obtain extraordinary results by using ingredients which are within your reach, at home:
  1. Once a week you can cut a thick slice of lemon and rub the toothbrush on it, and then brush your teeth with the lemon juice and pulp, for 5 minutes. After which, take a 5 minute break, and brush your teeth by using toothpaste. It is recommended not to repeat this recipe more than once a week, because the acids in the lemon can affect your teeth .
  2. Baking soda. Baking soda is probably one of the best know remedies for teeth whitening. It is recommended to be used once per week, following the evening teeth brushing with toothpaste.
  3. Strawberries. Strawberries pulp is considered to be a very good remedy for teeth whitening because they freshen up the breath. It is recommended to either eat them, or make a mixture out of strawberries and baking soda, which can be used as a substitute for toothpaste.
  4. Orange peel. By rubbing the orange peel mixed up with basil leaves on your teeth, you are guaranteed to obtain results. It is a slow process, but you will notice the results for sure.
  5. Cauliflower. This ingredient is recommended for teeth whitening because it stimulates the saliva secretion, and it prevents the formation of plaque which improves considerably the mouth hygiene.
  6. Vinegar. By mixing apple vinegar with salt, and half of spoon of baking soda you can obtain a mixture which you can use to massage your teeth. Make sure you rinse after.



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