12 Ways To Drop 20 Pounds In 14 Days
If in your mind, losing 20 pounds is an impossible feat, think again. We are not saying that you need to envelop your body in wraps or take a magic pill… You just need to adjust your eating habits and sacrifice some things in the short term, for the results you want. This guide will not push you to do a certain diet rather it will just help you pick the exercise and eating strategies that can suit your lifestyle! 12 Ways To Drop 20 Pounds In 14 Days Drink Mostly Water If you opt to drink fruit smoothie, light beer or energy drink, additional calories will enter your body and eventually you have to work out to eliminate it. Also, the 100 calorie drink that you just consumed will not satisfy you if you’re hungry. They also have high percentage of carbohydrates and sodium which will puff you out and make you retain water. Avoid Consuming Pasta and White Bread If you cut out white grain items such as spaghetti, sandwich rolls and white rice, you will instantly see the weight loss eff...