
Showing posts from October, 2017

This Ginger Water Will Help You Fight Arthritis, Lower YourCholesterol & Blood Sugar Levels and Prevent Cancer!

Fermented foods are becoming very popular all around the world, ranging from sauerkraut to kimchi to kombucha. Ladies and gentlemen, let me ask you a quick question – do you know what are fermented foods? If NO, then you shouldn’t be worried, because we can answer that question for you. Fermented foods are foods that have been through a process of lacto fermentation in which natural bacteria feed on sugar and starch in the food creating lactic acid. You should know that it takes some time to get it right so you have to be patient when making fermented snacks but, the wait is definitely worth it. The experts say that this process preserves these foods and creates high levels of beneficial enzymes, B vitamins, and various probiotics. Ginger – we can easily say that ginger is one of the healthiest foods on the planet. Ginger is known for reducing inflammation, and fighting cancer. Ginger contains gingerol, the main bioactive compound responsible for it’s anti-inflammatory and an...

Rub These Two Oils On Your Gums And Teeth And You Probably Will NotNeed To Go To Dentist Again

Essential oils are widely used in aromatherapy and various traditional medicinal systems. They are packed with a large number of health benefits. What you probably didn’t know is that various essential oils are extremely beneficial for the teeth and gums. According to the Journal of International Oral Health, essential oils can inhibit plaque, remove stains, eliminate the bacteria, and keep the teeth and gums healthy. So, two of the most powerful essential oils are tea tree oil and clove oil. TEA TREE OIL The tea tree oil is packed with antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral and antiprotozoal properties. Therefore, this essential oil reduces bacterial load and yeast and fungal infections and relieves the symptoms of gingivitis. Moreover, it eliminates bad breath and maintains the oral health. CLOVE OIL Clove oil contains eugenol, which is used for its anesthetic and analgesic action in dentistry. This compound has the ability to exhibit pharmacological effects on almost all...


Facial hair is every woman’s nightmare and we’re constantly on the lookout for some permanent solution which will put an end to our troubles. Most women resort to all sorts of treatments for their removal like waxing or shaving but experts say that these methods are completely wrong, because they can have the opposite result. They really do eliminate the hair for a short period of time, but on the long run the hair can grow thicker and faster than before. The other options like laser treatments and electrolysis are really effective, but can cost you a fortune, so what can you do? You surely can’t walk around looking like a werewolf can you? Luckily for you we’ve got the perfect solution for all your “hairy” problems and you just need some flour (gran or chickpea flour is best but regular white flour will be OK) to effectively remove all the unwanted facial hair. We’ve prepared 3 equally effective methods for hair removal, you can try each and see which one suits your needs best. METHOD...


Coconut oil is very popular nowadays, and it’s not used just for cooking. It has powerful components which are great for our health and beauty. this is actually the best ingredient when it comes to food regimen and health problems. Here are some reasons why coconut oil should be included in you daily routine and diet: *EXCELLENT CELLULITE CREAM* Coconut oil is a perfect solution for all women with cellulite. You’ll need only 2 ingredients, honey and coconut oil. Mix the ingredients and apply the mixture on the affected area, before going to bed, every night. Repeat it for several weeks and the cellulite will be gone. *NOURISHES THE SKIN* Every night, before going to sleep, apply coconut oil on your skin as a treatment for nourishing the skin. It penetrates deep into the skin, making it elastic and soft. *VARICOSE VEINS* Massage coconut oil on the critical areas on a daily basis, if you suffer from varicose veins. It is proven to be the best meth...